DH Event off campus Pedagogy UVA Collaboration

DH Pedagogy Roadshow

Crossposted to the scholarslab blog and Brandon Walsh’s blog. [The following post was co-authored with Mackenzie Brooks, Digital Humanities Librarian at Washington and Lee University. It follows up on a previous post on digital pedagogy and the Praxis Program. So if you’re just joining us, you might start there first. The first section below offers […]

Pedagogy UVA Collaboration

Teaching Black Arts Poetry and Computational Methods

[Enjoy this guest post by Ethan Reed, a 2017-2018 graduate fellow as well as a Ph.D candidate in English Literature at the University of Virginia. He came to W&L to give a workshop in Prof. Lesley Wheeler’s ENGL 295_02: African-American Poetry course through a Mellon-funded collaboration with the Scholars’ Lab at UVA. More information about […]

DH Pedagogy

On Co-Teaching and Digital Humanities

[Crossposted to my personal blog.] For me, co-teaching is the ultimate teaching experience. I’ve been fortunate to find several opportunities for it over the years. During graduate school, I co-taught a number of short courses, several DH classes, and a couple workshops. Here at W&L I’ve been able to teach alongside faculty from the history […]

DH Pedagogy Undergraduate Fellows UVA Collaboration

In, Out, Across, With: Collaborative Education and Digital Humanities (Job Talk for Scholars’ Lab)

[Crossposted on my personal blog and the Scholars’ Lab blog.] I’ve accepted a new position as the Head of Graduate Programs in the Scholars’ Lab, and I’ll be transitioning into that role over the next few weeks! As a part of the interview process, we had to give a job talk. While putting together this […]

Conference DH Event on campus

Report on UNRH Conference 2017

This year’s UNRH (Undergraduate Network for Research in the Humanities) Conference was hosted at W&L. For those who are not familiar with them, UNRH is a group of undergraduate students interested in learning about and experimenting with innovative research methods in the humanities. Two W&L students, Lenny Enkhbold (’17) and Lizzy Stanton (’17), were part of […]

Announcement DH Research Projects Tools

New Resource – Ripper Press Reports Dataset

[Crossposted on my personal blog.] Update: since posting this, Laura McGrath reached out about finding an error in the CSV version of the data. The version linked to here should be cleaned up now. In addition, you will want to follow steps at the end of this post if using the CSV file in Excel. And thanks […]