You can embed a video from the internet into an Omeka item by
- copying the iframe code; in YouTube, click Share and then Embed to view the code.
- in Omeka, choose the metadata field in which you want the embed to display
- check the Use HTML box below that field, which will pop open a text editor
- then click the HTML blue link at the top right corner of the text editor, which will pop up an HTML Source Editor box
- paste the iframe code into that source editor box
- save the item
You can embed a video into an Omeka exhibit page by
- adding a text block to the page
- following the same steps as above beginning with Step 3
If you do not have an embed code, but have a link you should paste it into the source editor box and then add the html markup manually to create the hyperlink functionality as seen in the example below.
<a href = “link”>Text you would like to display</a>
Then, in Settings at the top menu click on Security, scroll down to HTML Filtering and uncheck the Enable HTML Filtering box