Incentive Grants Pedagogy

Digital Humanities Pedagogy Incentive Competition

Are you considering employing Digital Humanities pedagogy in a winter 2014 or spring 2014 course? If you are undertaking an ambitious new augmenation of your teaching toolbox, one that will introduce you and your students to humanities/social science computing skill sets, tell us about it. Propose your winter or spring DH course-based project to by Halloween, the 31 of October. Members of the Digital Humanities Working Group will select two winter term and two spring term DH course projects for $1000 stipends.

Competitve proposals will integrate computing tools such as visualization techniques (Mapplication), data mining, computational analysis, digitized annotated editions of texts, or crowd-sourced interpretations. Preference will be given to plausible projects that will reach all students in your course: tell us about how you think you’d evaluate their work. How will your DH project help students meet course, program, or FDR learning objectives?

The DHAT (Digital Humanities Action Team) members are ready to assist DH projects, large and small. Check out what W&L faculty have already done at Generally Digital: If you have a course project you’d like to add to our blog, write to .

All undergraduate courses and faculty are eligible.

Suzanne Keen, Dean of the College