Event on campus Speaker Series

Day of DH at Fall Academy 2015

Join us for another “Day of DH” at Fall Academy 2015. Events will kick off at 10am on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015.

Join us for another “Day of DH” at Fall Academy 2015. Events will kick off at 10am on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015.


10am-11am Mellon and You
Learn about the opportunities available during our 4 year Mellon-funded DH grant.
11am-12pm DH Studio: Scholarly Text Encoding
Follow up with Stephen McCormick (Assistant Professor of French) and Mackenzie Brooks (Assistant Professor and Digital Humanities Librarian) as they share their experiences with the first DH Studio.
12pm-1:25pm Quinn Warnick – “Using Digital Technology in Writing Assignments”
Quinn Warnick is an Assistant Professor of Digital Rhetoric in the Department of English at Virginia Tech, where he also co-directs the Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities. Prior to his appointment at Virginia Tech, he taught at St. Edward’s University, where he piloted an electronic portfolio system for humanities students to archive and showcase their “born digital” work. Dr. Warnick’s research focuses on identity and credibility in online communities, and he is currently studying the social and technical strategies used by community managers to foster productive, civil discourse on the internet. He teaches courses in digital humanities, web development, and rhetoric in digital environments. Co-sponsored by the Writing Program.
2pm-3pm Incentive Grant Recipients Panel
The recipients of the 2014-2015 Digital Humanities Incentive Grants will discuss the nature of their projects, how the projects were structured, and what the outcomes were. Join us for an interesting variety of Digital Humanities projects, ideas, and discussion.

Presenters: Joel Blecher, Religion; Genelle Gertz, English; Christa Bowden, Art and Art HIstory; Jon Eastwood, Sociology and Anthropology.

3:30pm-5pm ITS & Library Mixer for Faculty and Staff
Attend the ITS & library reception for a fun and informative kick-off to the academic year. Meet the librarians and ITS staff and learn about our many resources and services. A wide variety of refreshments will be served. Eat, drink, and be merry with us!
This event will take place on the main level of Leyburn Library.

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