We are excited to announce there will be several sessions related to Digital Humanities during the upcoming Fall Academy:
Day of DH 2014, Wednesday Sept 3:
- Reports from the Front: A Discussion with the 2014 Digital Humanities Incentive Grant Awardees Wednesday, Sept 03, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM, Hillel 101 (Breakfast session)
- Visualization Techniques: Mapplication & Timeline Wednesday, Sept 03, 11 – 11:55 AM, Hillel 101
- W&L and UVa Digital Humanities Partnership Wednesday, Sept 03, 12 – 1:30 PM, Hillel 101
- Diving into Text with Voyant Tools and More Wednesday, Sept 03, 2 – 2:55 PM, Hillel 101
- Image Map: A New DH Tool for W&L Wednesday, Sept 03, 3 – 4 PM, Hillel 101
Additional Sessions:
- Concept Mapping in the Classroom: Pedagogy and Tools Monday August 25, 9-10am, Science Addition 202A
- Intro to Digital Storytelling Wednesday August 27, 10:30-11:30, Leyburn Library M47
- The LION in the Classroom Monday, Sept 01, 1:30 – 2:30 PM, Leyburn Library M47
Faculty and staff should see http://go.wlu.edu/fallacademy for further information.